I think next time I will warn them when someone attempts to eat Wasabi. Cello players are very gullible. I figured he knew it was, but apparently not, so I told him it was mustard. I am so mean! Well at least I learned something :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I think next time I will warn them when someone attempts to eat Wasabi. Cello players are very gullible. I figured he knew it was, but apparently not, so I told him it was mustard. I am so mean! Well at least I learned something :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Things I learned....
1. Know people there (Especially relatives, they all want to talk to you while playing)
2. Try and thank old people who are trying to tell you a story while you are playing
3. Follow the violist...(for Bethanie)
4. Eat a lot of desert because you had no dinner
5. Get distracted by screaming
6. Get distracted by people telling you your playing well and they expect a response...
At least I got paid, and no I am not going to tell you how much. But it is really awkward when everyone knows you and your parents and was taught by your grandma, and knows all your relatives!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Am I there yet?
I think maybe I tried to grow up to fast. I think I might still be growing up to fast. sometimes it feels like I should still be twelve and going through that awkward pubescent phase. Ok maybe I don't really miss it!
Sometimes I find myself saying..."after this next phase of my life I will be happier" I should be extremely Happy right now! Why do I always think that the next phase will bring happiness? It must be my attitude! My whole life I have been trying to catch up to my brothers and sisters. I wanted to go to college when i was 13 so that I could experience the joys of living on my own. I wanted to serve a mission as soon as I graduated high school and was very upset that I had to wait. (patience is a virtue I lack) When I went away to good ol' BYUI I was brainwashed with everyone getting all get married, and whatever else they teach up here!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Concerts Galore

If any loves me, or cares here are some concert dates, and repertoire stuff! Just kidding I know everyone loves me! ( if its any incentive I even get two complimentary tickets every concert)
October 29, 30 & 31 6:00 & 8:30 pm Barrus Concert Hall
Repertoire: Williams Superman
The Incredibles
Wagner The Ride of the Valkyries
Britten Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
Dr. Dallin Hansen, Guest Conductor
October 6, 7:30 pm Barrus Concert Hall
November 19, 7:30 pm Barrus Concert Hall
Repertoire: Mendelssohn Overture to Midsummer Night’s Dream
Rossini La Cenerentola Overture
Tchaikovsky Serenade for Strings
Haydn Symphony No. 104
November 6, 7:30 pm Hart Auditorium
November 13, 7:30 pm Auditorium, Twin Falls, Idaho
November 14, 7:30 pm Temple Square Tabernacle, Salt Lake City
November 20, 7:30 pm Barrus Concert Hall
Repertoire: Robert Cundick, Elder David Bednar God’s Everlasting Love
December 13, 7:30 pm Kirkham Auditorium
Repertoire: Handel Messiah
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fall 2009
Not too many exciting stories, except within 24 hours of being here I already have a gig on Saturday. Good thing its old fashioned baroque stuff which isn't too worrisome.
Yesterday my friend Elise the cello (everyone here is named by their instrument) invited me to go on a picnic with her sister and her sister's husbands brother and his wife. It was sort of awkward at first but then funny things happened and all was fine. What happend. There I was calmly putting some bread on a plate for a sandwhich when my dumb dog decides to go running after another dog he sees calmly walking along. Full sprint, and no amount of hey's is going to change his mind, so then on grass I go after him. Good thing that there was another guy there who grabbed my dogs leash and walked him over to me. Why did Thorpe look so smug? I don't know. But I was embarassed, I am thinking, while slowly rolling, "dumb dog should be a better service dog. Why did I come where there are people? This is so embarassing etc." So I come back and calmly start finishing my sandwhich with the leash firmly attatched. Then Clarissa, who is Elise's sister and is also a viola player said, "Well while you were already almost there we thought about coming to help you and Michael (her husband) said we should probably do something but you were coming back by the time we decided to do anything." I don't know why but the way she said made us all really laugh. After that we went and played a three hour (no joke) game of Settlers of Catan extended version. I ALMOST won, but not quite.
After that I helped Elise move her stuff to her apartment, and then I went home.
Today I got up and got some classes rescheduled and my locker. I talked to Brother Tuellar and asked him what the theme for this year's Halloween concert would be, and he told be the theme is Superhero's. That got me thinking...what could I possibly be. Then Tueller gets this look on his face and he says you know Angela, it would be really cool if you could talk Bro. Benson of the drama department into making you a hair piece or something. I gave him a confused look and he laughed and said you make a great Professor Xavier. His phone rang then so I took my leave. I think its a pretty awesome idea personally.
I went out to eat with John who is an clarinet player because we wanted to try the new cafeteria. It is so HUGE and so nice. So anyone who comes to visit me, that would be a great place to go! John came with me and we both got our music books, which was exciting, and then I went home, and he went to do whatever.
I hung out with my old roomate Kristilyn Gelder tonight and out of habit she stuck her foot out to help the ramp, and then we had to stop and laugh for awhile. I am so glad the car is fixed.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Goodbye Trailer, Hello 5th Wheel!

They hooked up everything while dad emphasized the use of sway bars. Mr. Rich doesn't drive a Dodge!

P.S. I am glad that I still remember which one is the gas and which way is the brake. :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Moms & Cars
But it pretty much is fixed all thanks to my mom.
How it started.
The part was ready on August 4th. It takes two weeks to ship. So on the Monday of the 3rd week Dad gets tired of calling, so I call. They call the company that makes and ships the ramps, and apparently the ramp has been sitting there for awhile, and they haven't even shipped it yet. So the car company told me that VMI, the ramp making company told them something about not having a box or whatever, and the lady is trying to make me feel better with lame excuses, but I am getting really mad at this time that I am having a hard time not saying a few choice words. More like sentences not words. So I say goodbye and tell mom all this stuff, and I can't remember what she told Dad, because we were keeping him posted of course.
My pretty much awesome Mom calls back the van people and says give me the number to the company, and the part number and the order number and she gets all this stuff. I am sure they were a little grudging but she did it. She called the company, and I offered to do the calling around but she said no. So she calls and this lady told her she'd connect her, and of course there was an answering machine. Mom is pretty I guess "worked up" at this point. You know the don't mess with mom look. Well she calls the lady back and says I want to talk to a person. So they connect her to a guy named Scott. He says he'll look into it and of course calls back and says yep I sent it by FedEx, and here is a tracking number. Scott should get a gold star and the van people a kick in the bahonkus. My mom had the ramp here in Alb. by 12:30 the next day. Way to go Mom! But I still wonder why the company doesn't check up on these things? It really shouldn't be the customer's job. Thank heavens I have such a cool Mom.
I suggested to the mechanic when I called him yesterday that while he was fixing it he should paint the ramp blue, or make my car maybe look a little cooler. He thought that was pretty funny. He also mentioned that the texture on the ramp was bumpier so I now I won't slip. I told him I never slip I only roll backwards gracefully. So then he laughed and said, "So apparently I know nothin' after 18 years of this?" My parents are thrilled that I can drive! Apparently its much easier on them when I can.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Very Random, well sorta...
Things not to do when making lasagna.
1. Do not use a lot of sauce on the bottom ( you run out on top)
2. Do not use a lot of meat on the bottom. ( you run out on top)
3. Do not put a layer of noodles on top with just cheese. (apparently it makes them crunchy..the noodles, not the cheese.)
4. Plan ahead and buy fresh french bread
5. Don't make such big messes in the kitchen, because then you have to clean it all up!
But my parents said it was excellent, but i think they were just trying to make me feel good about myself. Mom said it was a good first attempt, whatever that means. Maybe it did help that they were starving... Anywho on to the more exciting things!
First of all here are some end of the semester pictures.

I did get a rather funny picture of Melina and Joel that I will post. Mom and Dad and I were watching them, and here is what happened. Dress up!

Not exactly sure what he is looking for, but maybe Snow White is missing something...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Extremely Sad Story...
My camera card decided to break. You would think I was smart enough to save all these pictures after I took them. Lets just say, I leave the smart things for Melanie. Now I have to figure out where to send my camera card where they can take off the pictures for me. Any ideas?
Friday, June 26, 2009
A rather good Friday
After that adventure, I saw some of my friends that live a couple of doors down, and we made dinner plans. Guess what I made? A pie! Thank you Bethanie! Don't worry I wrote it down. It tasted fantabulous I did awesome! It was nice having friends over at my house, I have been feeling rather antisocial this week. Weird, I know, and I am sure no one really believes me. Well, the best part of my day was while I was making said pie, I got a phone call. It was Sister Rushton!!! She was in Rexburg and she brought her kids, and I carried them around Especially little Leah! She was telling me all sorts of things and most of it I got. Her favorite thing was when I spun her around and then dumped her in the grass. I think my shoulders are still slightly sore. Now for the rest of the evening I don't know what to do with myself, but tomorrow I have a rehearsal for rhapsody in blue. I love that song! It makes me happy.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another thing I don't understand is sunscreen. You put it on everywhere and when the day is done...there is a small square on your arm, burned. You know that you put sunscreen there. Hmmmm...
I am so excited that I have two concerts this weekend! We are playing some really really fun stuff! And the choir is singing for one of them. Its going to be awesome!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mother's and Social Skills Editorial

The next generation is expected to be able to communicate effectively. Consequently, social competence is a necessary skill that should be emphasized very early in life, as we live in a world where communication is taking a dramatic turn. There are now emails, texting, and other tools of instant communication. It is no longer necessary or even expected to deal with others face to face. Therefore, communication skills must be taught to children for proper ways to communicate openly, and effectively. This skill can also teach children to understand when it is appropriate to talk about certain subjects.
Teaching children life skills helps them to become honest hardworking members of society. The person whom children go to when life is hard is their mother. Mothers have the unique knack for comforting and encouragement to help their children develop self confidence, learn more about themselves and increase their self esteem. They also provide moral support for their children. It is no wonder that with all they do, mothers are considered a force to be reckoned with. Social competency is key in the ability to function effectively in today’s society. Mothers have the unique role of being primary nurturer. This means that they have the duty to help their children achieve competency in the social world.
Teaching children is the highest calling given to parents. Mothers are the greatest influences on children. Children should be taught how to become socially adept, so they do not drown in the tumultuous big world. Mothers change and mold their children and talking and spending quality time with their children is extremely valuable. This study proves that the time parents spend with children is valuable learning for the rest of their children’s lives.
This is a short editorial I was assigned to write and post. It is based on an article found on CNN if you wish to read the ariticle, here is the link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/05/15/mother.children.social.skills/index.html
I would appreciate any comments or insights.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco De Mayo
I just wanted to tell you about my celebration. We had taco soup for dinner. And then I made sopapillas. They turned out fantastic. My only issue was that there was only one person out of the 8 that came, that have heard of them. Are sopapillas not normal? Anyways, I am proud of myself and just wanted to brag a little.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Long update!
Now if only others would visit.....hahah just kidding.
Previously, this is what was going on at my house....
FYI those two are not my roomates but they live down the walk, and are nice so we like them. I didn't post the video of me going cuz that would be embarassing, and I have to keep up my...whatever it is that I have.
Then for the CES fireside it rained. We were happy to have Elder Bednar there with us, and I haven't looked yet to see if I got caught on camera, but its all good. It rained and rained! This is us very very wet, after the long trek home. There was hot chocolate made very soon after, along with some muffins.
Don't worry, we really were happy to be there. It was a great fireside.
We went to the temple that morning, which was cool except I was late for quartet practice...ooops! And then the car broke, but it was fixed so now my life can continue.
I would post more pictures of smoothie parties, as well as some chocolate war paint, but that will have to wait until I have some more time which is...pretty much non existant, but hopefully soon.
And, I seem to be on a good ol' Shosty kick. For Symphony we get to play a quartet of his, that according to historians was like his suicide note....makes for very happy listening. The cool thing about him is that he signs his name in all his pieces because he can phonetically turn his initials into song. Too bad there isn't a chord or key with H in it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I like it!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
First of all, thank you to my wonderful family who calls and wishes me happy birthday. I went to a basketball game and got my nails done. And then stayed up really late helping mom make key lime pie which was very very tasty. Good job Mom!! Next morning we went to the Bosque, and it was way fun! I took pictures of things saw some wing-flappers and wing-doodles, and of course the rubber ducks, and the heavy-lift cranes. At the fly-in part, the birds didn't really cooperate so poor Aaron was very disappointed, but thank you to him for being a good sport. It was nice being embarrassed by your family singing happy birthday where there's random people around and no candles, but I like having this birthday stretched out. And of course the food was awesome! Anyways, that's about as exciting as it gets!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Pi, or Pie
I think part of Grandma's fell off, because it sure seemed longer!
I just thought I would share this momentous occasion with you all. I just made my first pie. It sure is great having a well stocked kitchen, where you didn't have to buy it all.
Bethanie is amazing! If you need anything, call her!