Friday, August 28, 2009

Moms & Cars

Well the car is finally fixed! YAY!!!!

But it pretty much is fixed all thanks to my mom.

How it started.

The part was ready on August 4th. It takes two weeks to ship. So on the Monday of the 3rd week Dad gets tired of calling, so I call. They call the company that makes and ships the ramps, and apparently the ramp has been sitting there for awhile, and they haven't even shipped it yet. So the car company told me that VMI, the ramp making company told them something about not having a box or whatever, and the lady is trying to make me feel better with lame excuses, but I am getting really mad at this time that I am having a hard time not saying a few choice words. More like sentences not words. So I say goodbye and tell mom all this stuff, and I can't remember what she told Dad, because we were keeping him posted of course.

My pretty much awesome Mom calls back the van people and says give me the number to the company, and the part number and the order number and she gets all this stuff. I am sure they were a little grudging but she did it. She called the company, and I offered to do the calling around but she said no. So she calls and this lady told her she'd connect her, and of course there was an answering machine. Mom is pretty I guess "worked up" at this point. You know the don't mess with mom look. Well she calls the lady back and says I want to talk to a person. So they connect her to a guy named Scott. He says he'll look into it and of course calls back and says yep I sent it by FedEx, and here is a tracking number. Scott should get a gold star and the van people a kick in the bahonkus. My mom had the ramp here in Alb. by 12:30 the next day. Way to go Mom! But I still wonder why the company doesn't check up on these things? It really shouldn't be the customer's job. Thank heavens I have such a cool Mom.

I suggested to the mechanic when I called him yesterday that while he was fixing it he should paint the ramp blue, or make my car maybe look a little cooler. He thought that was pretty funny. He also mentioned that the texture on the ramp was bumpier so I now I won't slip. I told him I never slip I only roll backwards gracefully. So then he laughed and said, "So apparently I know nothin' after 18 years of this?" My parents are thrilled that I can drive! Apparently its much easier on them when I can.


Montana at the Helm said...

It sure would be nice to have someone like your mom in our household since Jared and I are not aggressive in those kinds of situations.

Smart Helm said...

That's when u are glad u are not the one Mom is mad at! Its so dumb that it has to come to that. Why don't they just provide good service?

Ack. Makes me mad. But I'm glad its all better now. Have fun at school!

Emily Nice said...

i shared your story with my roommates. They thought mom was too sweet to be able to get those kind of results, but i told him she had lots of practice after building a couple of homes and going toe to toe with insurance companies when you were little.

fyi- don't mess with my mom (if she doesn't get you then I will :)