Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today, I wish I was talented. Annie and I went to the store, and then I didn't see her until about supper time 6 o clock, we were doing our respective homeworks and other stuff due later. And it was cloudy!! I have never been sooo excited to see rain. And just for Amy's sake I ran into josh at the snow, and then we saw him at walmart. I got high fives from the boys and a small conversation with Elisha, I think, the youngest. Then Lizzy came over with a friend named Adam, and we sat around and at crackers pepperoni and cream cheese and laughed soo hard when we figured out that Adam was the impression guy mentioned earlier. He is just so funny. I recorded some of him with my camera which hopefully I can post on here since I bought a cable for the memory card. If its not going to work let me know. We laughed and laughed and I wished I could do impressions then watched Clue, which was really funny, though it wasn't. Its like things that shouldn't be funny are. Anyways that probably doesn't make any sense, but if I am lucky it will make sense to you since your my family. Anyways I am going to quit rambling and go to bed.

You know you are in college when you get super excited about yogurt being on sale for 10 for 4$!

P.S. Maybe someone really smart (Mel ha ha) can use small words and give verbal instructions on how to put links to go to everyone elses thingey easily. Or tell me something else cool that I can do with this thing.

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