I was going to write down Everything about me, that has happened, but its been like two weeks so there goes that plan. The only funny story, is at the devotional the other day, we were singing the closing song, and the wrong words were on the screen, so some were using hymnbooks and singing the right words, and everyone else was just confused and started laughing. Then the next devotional it was so funny because the choruster..chorister...something..was finishing the closing song, and she winked. Everyone laughed because she had forgotten that we could see it. I met her later, and she said she was so embarassed because she was winking at the organist. Everyone thought for sure it was a boy. I picked out my pirate costume this week, and it is AWESOME!! Bro. Tueller though told me I need a pirate name, and the pirate name generator said for me its Dirty Anne Cash. I was hoping for something a little more original that has to do with me, but no bueno yet. So... if people have suggestions, that would be Awesome!!
There is a violin party tonight, so I have to go to the store and make some fruit salad. I am taking Juli Ann the violinIST with me to shop too, so it should be a party. I just wanted to add these pictures so everyone can see what goes on here. If you can't figure out what they are, t

hat's really weird. ( PS this adding pictures thing wasn't working, earlier....sorry!!!)
oops! no pictures posted. oh no.
Violins? what are those.
Juli Ann the violin? Is that what you named your violin? and if so, why would your violin make a party fun? I guess if you were going to be playing the music so that people could dance. Grab your partner doe see doe...
Sorry that I mislead and confused you all, I think I fixed it so it makes sense.
How 'bout Corliss Blythe? Thats a good pirate name. Or think of one of our ancestors and mix it up. That could be fun.
So, did you carve the pumpkins? confused.
sulutr! (that could almost be a bad word)
Good luck with the costume! Perhaps instead of shopping, u could use ur inginuity and go cheaper...
just saying~
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