These are some of my favorite questions I am asked on a daily basis. (no sarcasm here..)
1. Do we need our music today?
2. Are we playing today? (how often, when I am here, do we play small child?)
3. Does this G sound good?
4. What do you mean, count? Like, count to 4?
5. Why does it sound bad when I go like this?
6. Why do I have a zero for that practice record?
7. What do you mean extra credit? How much extra credit?
8. Wait, this G is on the D string??? Since when???
9. Do we need stands?
10. When did you hand out those? I never got one! (I hand them out the same day same
11. Why is my bow not making any sound?
12. Do you have any rosin?
13. Can you play like Lindsey Sterling? Do you know who that is?
14. Miss Helm, are you 35? Miss Helm what is your husband like? (yes they really think I am 35....)
I am sure there are a plethora more, but these are my favorite....not!
This right here....story of my life!

This right here....story of my life!

Gotta love teaching!
Love the why did I get a zero question... kids.
I should have commented yesterday, when Dad read your funny questions at the breakfast blog and banana pancakes.
I think the fun comments are the best part of teaching, next to the feeling of accomplishment when they finally get it. You need to share them often on your blog or write them down (a quote notebook?) so you don't forget them.
Thanks for sharing :)
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