Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I sometimes get a little terrified of the prospect of not always having classes, having to learn, and get stuff done with a deadline. I suppose as my 21st birthday comes more quickly than I would like, I start thinking about where I want to be. There are so many options, and I know that I have a plan, but maybe that's not what I REALLY want to do. But, the point of this post, is that I am also trying to be a little more......responsible for my future. Shocker, I know! I actually, literally, went into the high school, and talked to the principal (who happened to be my adviser then, as well as my brothers) about how to get hired, after I graduate. It was weird. She said the best way is to do your student teaching here. The only problem with that is that at BYUI, you don't really get to choose where you go, and that if a school asks for you, you definitely will not go there. At least, that's what everyone says.

Maybe I could pull the handicapped card?


Smart Helm said...

I think that's a great plan. Go for it!

And ask Chelsea. Didn't she do her student teaching in Los Alamos?

Naomi said...

BYUI doesnt do student teaching in NM! They do Boise, Local, SLC, Vegas and Phoenix. You somewhat get to choose but you have to have a really compelling reason to go to a certain place and you have to petition. Theres no growth in a comfort zone and no comfort in a growth zone!

Montana at the Helm said...

Wow! That is some deep pondering you are doing..Way to go Angela! I like your way of thinking! Planning and prayer go hand in hand!

Emily Nice said...

wow. How very brave of you (to go talk to the principal). Naomi's comment is interesting because in my experience its not typical for college programs. In many programs, they are more then happy (and even encourage)students to find their own places (often far from the original school) to spread out the "glut" of interns/student teaching... It would also make sense for you to get experience somewhere you hope to end up as every state, school district and school run things slightly (or lots) differently. But might be a good idea to also talk to whoever is in charge of the student teaching aspect to let them know your needs/wants/etc.

I was thinking about you the last couple of days as I was in court with some of my fav attorneys and Judge. The GAL has long red hair and kinda reminds me of you. I know you aren't going to do the lawschool thing anymore but its kindof fun to imagine you there making impassioned speaches full of legalise :)

Rebecca said...

Play it!

Love your guts!


Neita and Nate said...

I guess you could student teach at Melba. I know a barn where you could live...

helmhq said...

Good courage. There are lots of possibilities for those willing to work. If you just keep moving forward with the best plan you have, the future will take care of it's self.