Monday, November 22, 2010

Old update

I wish I had something very exciting to write about but I don't, so I thought I would just put in some pictures that I have laying around. Halloween etc.

This is my quartet. We spend some sundays playing hymns in the Gardens, but now it is too cold. The best time to go shopping in Walmart, is Halloween. You find the weirdest stuff.

Halloween pictures of us putting cobwebs outside our apartment. We even put dead leaves on it to make it look more realistic. Anyways, I apologize that this is not a very exciting post.


Smart Helm said...

I love Halloween and I think ur costume turned out nice. Have a good Thanksgiving!

txparkinsons said...

what's up with the penguin pants?

Naomi Campbell said...

They aren't penguin pants. They're cowgirl chaps!!! Love the pics Angela! I dont think you would want to play in the gardens now. It ha snowed bucket loads since everyone left. seriously its 3 feet deep in some places outside out house!

helmhq said...

Fun to see the pictures of your adventures. Thanks for sharing. I think you make a pretty good cowgirl. Maybe a little-"all chaps and no cattle"?