Well, I was parked with my ramp down, about to go into the building to get my handicapped sticker renewed and lucky for me I stopped at the top of my ramp to tell Brianne something; she was in the car at the time, and a guy drove into the non parking space where my ramp was, and you guessed it! Ran over my ramp! He had no idea snd I couldn't get out, so I am yelling at Brianne, and she got out and kindly told him he can't park there. I know you all are going to think I am a dummy after this next part, but I checked to see if it worked, and it did, so I went into the building and took care of what I was doing there, and left. Don't freak out too much because I was smart enough to get his license plate number. I came home and of course the parents wanted to know why I didn't report it or do anything because he was renewing his drivers license. I personally, had no idea what to do. The ramp still worked, and since it was a much lighter car, it wasn't that bad. But I ended up going to the police station anyways, and made a report, but the policeman I worked with gabbed for about an hour about his life. That was kind of weird and awkward. Just in case you wanted to know. I must have bad luck or something with ramps.
On a happier note I am working again. It was very tiring but the kids make me laugh. I worked with all of them on their times tables. They are so smart! One of the kids was doing the 7X and when we got to 7X8 he said fifty six, and I said no. He gave me a strange look as though me ears had fallen off, and I smiled and said, "it's fitty six." He just shrugged and we continued on. As he was leaving I asked him again what 7X8 was, and he stopped for minute and got that gleam in his face, and said seriously "fitty-six" flashed me a peace sign and left. I about died of laughing. I can mess with their little minds!!! Mwahahahaha!
Oh I also found a song about me. It's playing right now. I went to Itunes and typed in my name. You should see if your cool enough to have a song about you!!

Sorry about the ramp. I woulda beaten him up!
Boy you don't have a lot of luck with that. Maybe you should put some flags at the end of the ramp? Glad you are enjoying your job. That helps!
typical helm ... just letting things go ... i think it's the 'christian' in ya.
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