Saturday, December 6, 2014

In The Mood

Originally, I was going to use this post and just post it on my sister's wall so she would feel the love, but then I decided it needs to be shared with more people and I would spread all the love!

Every time Christmas comes around, I just REALLY feel the need to listen to the Messiah all the way through.  The hard part, is that I have been ruined for life and the MoTab's version just doesn't cut it.  Sorry Motab fans!  (Thanks a lot college.)

Someday, I am going to own a baroque violin, and play in England, or California or something.  Seriously, these versions are pretty darn awesome.  I dare you to listen to the whole thing!  I personally, believe this makes for excellent Saturday cleaning.  The Messiah is such a pivotal piece of literature, that it should be listened to in it's best form.  Obviously.  It really does sound so much better!

If you hate the soloists in this one, here's another one.

Take a listen, mop the floor, wrap a present or something.

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