This morning, everyone seems to be leaving stuff on their blog, so I feel the need to do it too. was the most boring Halloween, let me tell you. First of all, let me tell you, no one around here understands the art of Halloween carving. And, as I have had 6 concerts this week, there was no time for me to carve one on my own, hence no pictures. I am sure this will probably happen to me next year. So, here is what I did do. I went and played, it was loud and crazy. Then Julia the Flautist kidnapped me and we went and got Adam, and went trick or treating. Funny story! We went along the lower floors, and of course there were people coming up and down the stairs, and they would see me, say just a sec, and run upstairs and give me candy. Candy, candy, candy!!! ha ha! Then we went to see some girls I have never met, but Mark and Brad knew, and we watched a crime movie, with the girl that plays in My Fair Lady and Cary Grant. It was interesting, and fun! then I went home and practiced playing chess, rootbeer floats, and went to bed. This morning, I am very busy, so this will be short, but these are pictures of my orchestra buddies, and what we do!
Oh the first one is of my black makeup...the other nights I used brown, because thats what I wear! My hair did not want to do crazy, and my bright red lipstick is gone! Oh well, you can all imagine that I just looked good!
The violin pirate gang! I had an amazing red sash, but it was not working, so you can imagine it! my favorite part is mah boots! (they weren't made for walking)

She brought a box of these every night!! YUM!

Thats Juliann, concert mistress, on the first night though, she had such a real looking scar, and one side of her face had a purple bruise! It was awesome!

She had to be first mate!
I don't know what they are doing, but it was entertaining!

They get really really hungry after playing!!
I wish I had taken pictures of the cellos. Charity was the best because she had her eyes black, and she has really really bright blue eyes, but the batteries died on my stupid camera!! And then Kyle looked awesome with has scruffy makeup..anyways, maybe I can steal some pictures from Facebook from them! Ha ha
Happy Saturday!